Thursday, June 21, 2007


I feel like theres a piece of me that's missing. Like somehow, somewhere, someone deliberately left out a piece of a puzzle just to see what the consequences would be. To see the questions, the confusion, and the turmoil I would go through because of that missing piece. To experiment exactly how much humanity really needs that single piece.

Is there something wrong with me? Or is it that people "ignore" the missing piece(s) of their lives and move on pretending they are one true wholesome, solved puzzle? I feel so lost all of a sudden, like I am at a crossroads, but don't know how I got there, and what my choices are. All I know is, I have to choose. And what I choose will be my price to pay for the rest of my life. Ah, the joys of uneducated decision making.

I get overwhelmed with such questions once in a while. They aren't truly directed at a certain aspect of my life, but at my life in general. I feel frustrated because I'm at a standstill, yet everything is moving so fast. Everything is moving so fast, yet I'm at a standstill. I am so overwhelmed with feelings yet I do not know what it is like to truly feel.

To put it in simple terms,
"_____________________" this would be a model of what other human beings are composed of.

"_________ __________" this would be me. And I see "_" is what I am missing, I see it, I know it, and it IS there... but I somehow, cannot manage to transport the "_" into the slot that it should fit in. And sometimes, I lose sight of "_" and start writing blogs that make no sense at all. Like now.

I feel like a dog chasing my own tail =(

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